Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Important World AIDS Day Message

World AIDS Day 2012
"Working Together for an AIDS-free Generation"

Nine years ago I stood before a group of my peers at Penn State University. It was just 6 weeks after finding out my own positive status. For the first time, I shared with my peers the struggles I've had dealing with the news that I was HIV-positive. I wanted to share my emotions and humanize my story to the point they would listen. I wanted to make a difference.

Here we are again, on the eve of another World AIDS Day. A day where we continue to fight to have our message heard. Today I reviewed a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that relayed alarming news about our younger generation; the generation for which I'd expect to have the most information and education about HIV/AIDS. It's shocking to think that about 1,000 young people ages 13 to 24 are newly infected with HIV each month. This accounts for more than a quarter of the 50,000 new HIV infections each year. And 60% of young people who are HIV-positive do not know their HIV status. Nowadays according to CDC Director Thomas Frieden, the lifetime cost of treating someone with HIV is about $400,000. That's $4 million in healthcare each month.

This year's theme for World AIDS Day is Working Together for an AIDS-free Generation. So much discussion has been made about an "AIDS-free Generation." I caution our community on this. Although our community has made many strides and successes this year, this type of language could send a message to these young folks that an end is near. It could suggest that the risk is less important with an AIDS-free generation on the horizon.

I believe we can "make it to zero." We have the tools and the knowledge we need to end it. But we all have to work together to get there. This means those who are negative need to do their part to remain negative. Protecting yourself from HIV and other sexually transmitted infections is the responsible thing to do and is a huge part of your role in reducing the spread of HIV. Remember: this is your health and you should assume that all of your partners are infected with some sort of sexually transmitted infection. You should be responsible for your health by always protecting yourself. You should have conversations with your partner about your sexual history and even get tested together.

HIV testing is more accessible than ever before with the recent FDA approved over-the-counter rapid/oral HIV test. Clinics are still testing for free and offering additional support needed by some. The sooner one knows they are HIV-positive the sooner they can get into care, the sooner they are informed so that they are not infecting others. We can't forget about needle exchange programs, which are vital in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Those who use injectable drugs can help reduce the spread by exchanging their needles for clean needles—this will help get us to zero.  

For my fellow pozoids, those who are already HIV-positive, you know what this life is like. Much of this fight to get to zero is also up to us to be responsible in our actions. You and I can do this; we can help bring this epidemic to an end. We need to make sure you stay in care and get the medications you need (thanks to the Affordable Care Act this will be much easier). To be honest, the responsible—however difficult—thing to do, if we want to play our part in getting to zero, is to tell our partners—all of them—of our status.

Getting to zero is possible, however not without the help of everyone. HIV began one person at a time, and it will end one person at a time.

TOM DONOHUE is the founding director of Who’s Positive, a national organization that humanizes HIV through firsthand accounts of people living with the virus. He also sits on the board of trustees of the National Association of People With AIDS.  

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